Insights, stories, and lessons from the frontline of engineering leadership.

Empowering Technical Leadership and Innovation

Experience or Theory?

Hi! I’m Steve Day, and I would love to share with you what I’ve learned over the 20+ years I’ve been working in the software development industry. Right up front, I will tell you that perhaps my greatest secret to success is being completely open about one simple fact:

There is so much I do not know

Yes, that’s right! This is a site where I profess my expertise in technical leadership, and yet I’m boldly stating that I don’t know everything. It’s an obvious statement, but embracing that is a strength. Anyone who suggest they know everything is someone to run from. What I can tell you is that the things you will find on this site are things I have used repeatedly, to great success, and I’m confident they would help you too.

Please peruse these pages, and learn from my wins and losses. I would love for you to share your own insights that we can all learn from.

Let’s grow together!